Studio Rental
in West Hollywood
440 sq. studio
for Rehearsals, One on one Coaching, Self-directed Camera taping, Readings
$20/1st hr /$15 2nd hr
1-2 actor maximum until further notice
LED Lights on tripods, dimmable/directional lights, private full bathroom
20 chairs, two 6 ft long folding table, dance mirror, hardwood floors, speakers, 42 inch Samsung monitor
for rehearsal, dance privates, coaching or taping
$75- 90 (6-12 people) 3 week minimum
Call for the Month-to-Month and Cash discounts
Outdoor Courtyard meeting area, food for breaks nearby
( Astroburger, Harlow Bar, 7-11, Galanga, Fatburger, small grocery, )
call 818.693.4625 or carynwest1@gmail.com for details
Applicants must send :
Rental application
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